Getting Started
UI Toolkit

Getting Started with Stanza in React

Stanza has a React library that provides a react context to use in React applications.

Stanza supports all evergreen browsers.

You can follow the next steps in your current project or create a sample React app with the following command:

npm create vite@latest stanza-test-app -- --template react-ts
cd ./stanza-test-app

Install the Stanza's core and React libraries

npm install @getstanza/core @getstanza/react

Getting Started In React

Create a src/stanzaConfig.ts using the Stanza UI (opens in a new tab) to get your API key.

import type { StanzaCoreConfig } from '@getstanza/core'
export const config: StanzaCoreConfig = {
  url: '', // the Stanza service url
  environment: 'local', // the environment you want to pull configurations for
  stanzaApiKey: '<your-stanza-api-key>', // an API key issued in the Stanza UI
  refreshSeconds: 3, // the refresh rate of the feature statuses
  contextConfigs: [ // groups of features that load together - most likely, your app's pages or routes
      name: 'main',
      features: ['search']

The API key can be found in the Stanza UI.

Choosing Features and Contexts

For a simple app scenario you can configure one context per page in the application ie in a simple shop app:

  • 'main' for the main page
  • 'searchResult' for the page displaying search result
  • 'itemDetails' for the details page of the selected item

Each context can consist of multiple feature ie:

  • main context (page) can contain:
    • search bar - we can associate that with the search feature
    • checkout button - we can associate that with the checkout feature
    • featured items section - we can associate that with the featured feature

As your application grows or you want to have more fine grained control over the app you can configure more features in your app configuration. To make yourself successful here are the couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. Features can span multiple requests, and multiple UI components. As a developer, you will have to decide what you want to do at each location you use a feature.
  2. When Features are disabled, Stanza stops requests related to that feature from sending. This is good for the infra, but it means if you don't handle this in some way in the UI users will have a very weird time.
  3. You don't have to get a feature label on everything! Start with your most important features, and your least important ones. Other features will default to a medium priority.
  4. A context is a group of features found in one page - Stanza will grab them all at once and refresh the cache simultaneously.

Using Stanza in React

Initialize Stanza

Initialize stanza very early in your application lifecycle, before ReactDOM.createRoot(). Then create a StanzaProvider that wraps your app.

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import App from './App.tsx'
import './index.css'
import { StanzaProvider, createStanzaInstance } from '@getstanza/react'
import { config } from './stanzaConfig.ts'
const stanzaInstance = createStanzaInstance(config)
    <StanzaProvider instance={stanzaInstance}>
      <App />

Use Stanza Components to Wrap Features

WithStanzaContextName is a wrapper component that defines the Stanza context that is applicable to a certain part of the application.

WithStanzaFeature is a wrapper component that watches the state of the specified feature and removes the wrapped part from the UI and/or renders a fallback component under stress. The following code leverages WithStanzaFeature to wrap a the search section of the application. We also wrap the whole app with main context using WithStanzaContextName:

import { WithStanzaContextName, WithStanzaFeature } from "@getstanza/react";
function App() {
  return (
    <WithStanzaContextName name="main">
        fallback={({ message }) => (
          <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{message}</p>
        <label htmlFor="search">Search</label>
        <input name="search" />

Now you can go to the Stanza UI (opens in a new tab) features section and manually set the state of a search feature to "Disable". After saving the changes the search bar should disappear and be replaced with an error message

Use Stanza context directly

For more direct control, you can access StanzaContext directly by using useStanzaContext hook. The Stanza context gives you statuses and messages related to features you defined in your configuration. You can use it to have finer control over loading of your data eg. pausing refetching of your data when a given feature is disabled. Below, you can find an example of disabling React Query's automatic refetching. It will still show cached data if available and you can display additional information if there is no data available.

import { StanzaBrowser } from "@getstanza/browser";
import { useStanzaContext } from "@getstanza/react";
import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
function MainPage() {
  const ctx = useStanzaContext("main");
  const featuredFeature = ctx?.features.featured;
  const isFeaturedDisabled = featuredFeature?.disabled === true;
  const { data, status } = useQuery({
    queryKey: ["featured"],
    enabled: !isFeaturedDisabled,
    queryFn: async () => {
      // This is mocked version of the fetching function. 
      // Your fetching logic would go here
      await new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
      const ctx = StanzaBrowser.getContextStale("main");
      const isFeaturedDisabled = ctx.features.featured.disabled === true;
      if (isFeaturedDisabled) throw new Error("Can't load featured items");
      return Promise.resolve([
        { name: "Teddy Bear" },
        { name: "Batman Action Figure" },
        { name: "5x5 Speed Cube" },
  return (
      <h2>Featured items</h2>
      {status !== "success" && isFeaturedDisabled && (
        <div>We could not load featured items right now</div>
      {data?.map((item) => (
        <div key={}>{}</div>
export default MainPage